Talking Futures campaign : New Parents Portal

Gatsby is excited to announce the launch of the Talking Futures campaign – a website of resources dedicated to help parents have meaningful career conversations with their child.

On Thursday 3 February Gatsby launched a new and improved website for parents and three new inspiring films that demonstrate the value of parental support when it comes to career conversations.

The parents of Olympic swimmer Becky Adlington, JLS band member JB Gill and the ‘Essex Barrister’ Alexandra Wilson talk about how having regular career conversations with their child helped to define the working lives they went on to have. Through the films – and wider campaign – we hope to encourage other parents to do the same. By visiting the Talking Futures website, parents can find the information and resources they need to have informed conversations with their own children.

You can view the ‘The Making of…’ films here…

Visit to find out more

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