How To Make Friends As An Introvert

Do you consider yourself an introvert? Not sure if you are one? Introverts are people who feel more comfortable spending time with a few people rather than a big crowd and enjoy their own company too. They tend to be quiet and reserved, but not necessarily – sometimes it can just take them longer to recharge their social batteries.

While it doesn’t have to mean that you’re shy, it might mean that you find it hard to get to know people, or others find it hard to get to know you. Here are a few ways you can make friends as an introvert.

Embrace your hobbies and interests

Hobbies are always a good way to find new friends because you can meet people who are interested in the same things, and it can make conversation a lot easier too. If you have hobbies that you usually do alone like reading or running or creating art, try and find a way you can involve other people. Try finding a book club (they exist online as well as in-person), or a local running group or some art classes. There are communities of people out there who would love to share their interests with you!

Don’t be afraid to try new things

Finding people who share your interests is a good place to start, but it’s good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes. If you’re struggling to find opportunities to connect with others through your hobbies, consider something new! Is there something that has always interested you, but you’ve never picked it up? Search for opportunities in your local area like a Zumba class or a rambling group and give it a go.

But feel free to start small

Sometimes it can seem difficult to put yourself out there and get involved. If you want to try something new, or escape your comfort zone, but it feels too hard to try getting out there… then don’t feel pressured to jump in at the deep end. If you don’t want to go to a local event, why not try online groups that mean you can start making connections from home? If you want to go to a local event but you’re nervous, just think about enjoying the activity and don’t worry about the people just yet.

Reconnect with old friends

If making friends with completely new people is too much, consider people you already know. Have you fallen out of touch with any old friends that you would like to reconnect with? It can take some courage to make the first move and reach out, but it can be easier striking up a conversation with someone you are already familiar with – and that moment of success once you’ve reached out could push you to make the first move with other people too (new or not).

Look at the people already around you

If you already have a couple of good friends, look at the people around you who you might like to get to know better, for example THEIR friends. You could have a lot in common with them if you got to know them. If you don’t want to make the first move, your friends could make the introductions for you to get the hardest bit out of the way.

Be yourself

Like with any friendship, don’t feel like you have to change yourself and your personality. You don’t need to pretend to be someone else to make friends – the people who appreciate you for YOU are the kind of people you want to be friends with. Don’t feel bad about turning down things that you don’t feel comfortable with. If you don’t want to go to a big event or you just don’t feel like hanging out, then you don’t have to.

Don’t rush – it takes time

It can be hard putting yourself out there and getting to know new people. It might even seem awkward at first when you try to reach out to people – but know that it will become easier with time. Just give it a chance!

And remember – great friendships hardly ever happen overnight. It isn’t likely that you’ll make a new best friend right away – just like all friendships, it takes time to build genuine relationships, but all the effort and time you put in will be worth it in the end.

Check out more guides to making friends:

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