How To Make New Friends at University

Are you going to university this year? Do you just want to make some new friends while you’re there? Here are 6 ways you can make friends at university!

Make the most of Freshers’ Week!

In the first few weeks of university, everybody is in the same boat, and a lot of people are going to be feeling the same way as you. Make the most of the activities and events planned during Freshers’ Week and put your all into them. They are designed to help you get to know your peers and settle into university life – so try to get the most out of the experience and talk to lots of people!

Find things you have in common

Most people are friends because they share a common interest. If you want to make a new friend, look for easy talking points to get the conversations started. Is someone carrying a musical instrument that you also play? Are they wearing a shirt with a band you love on it? Are they holding a textbook for a similar (or even the same) course as yours? Start chatting and show them that you are interested in what they have to say!

Don’t hide away

You won’t find new friends by spending all of your time in your room or accommodation area, and they certainly aren’t going to find you. Get outside and hang out in a communal/public space like a popular café on campus or the library if you want to do your homework. You’ll meet lots of new people!

Get social

Put yourself out there and do things that involve other people! Join a study group, go to parties, find social media groups that interest you, or join (and even create) a club. You’ll find lots of people to talk to if you do something that interests you, because it interests the other people that do it too. Getting out there and among people, whether it’s online or in person, is a great way to make friends!

Make the effort

Making new friends can be a scary experience, especially if you’re a shy person, but it won’t happen unless you make the effort. Open yourself up and try to step out of your comfort zone even if you feel nervous (but don’t feel pressured to do things you don’t want to do). When you get to uni, introduce yourself to lots of people, and try to get to know them.

You could start small by chatting to people on your course and sitting next to them, or even getting to know your neighbours. If you see someone in your accommodation moving in, why not help them carry their belongings? Or keep your door open to let people know they can stop by and say hello. Make the effort to be approachable and friendly!

Be the kind of friend you want to have

If you want kind friends who appreciate you, then you have to give what you get. Be friendly, smile and say hi, take an interest in other people’s lives and definitely don’t ask any uncomfortable or inappropriate questions. Just by being kind and friendly, you already have a much better chance of making friends and people will want to get to know you!

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