Finding young people hidden from the labour market a key outcome of the Youth Friendly Employment Conference 2015

“Creating a Youth Friendly Culture” is the theme for this conference.  Youth unemployment remains at critical levels and there are greater concerns over the number of young people hidden from the labour market.  This conference will offer a range of presentations, panel discussions as well as workshops providing delegates with the opportunity to understand how they can engage with and develop opportunities for our young people.

Unique to Youth Employment UK and the Youth Friendly Employment Conference is the inclusion of Youth Ambassadors who will be hosting delegates to provide an important dimension to the discussions. The YEUK Ambassadors will speak of their own experiences of being unemployed or “hidden” and share their insights in what engaged them into the labour force.

Rt Hon Priti Patel Minister of State for Employment

The conference will be followed by a champagne reception where Youth Employment UK will recognise the most Youth Friendly businesses and Ambassadors of 2015.

Keynote Speaker – Rt Hon Priti Patel MP Minister of State for Employment. Priti Patel will take part in a Q& A session which will be one of the first opportunities post the Government spending review.


The YEUK Conference will be built on the 5 key themes of the Youth Friendly Charter:

Youth Voice – A commitment to listen to young people and to provide opportunities for their voice to be heard.

Creating Opportunity – A commitment to providing diverse opportunities for young people to gain the skills and experiences they need for life.YEUK_badge-NEW_001

Recognising Talent – A commitment to recruiting young people based on their ability, talent and potential.

Fair Employment – A commitment to remove barriers for young people to enter the workplace.

Developing People – A commitment to training and supporting young people so that they are motivated to take ownership and responsibility for their own careers and are equipped to progress.

Guest speakers will be invited to present their approach to one of the key themes and share their experiences with the audience.


We welcome a range of delegates from corporates, SME’s and third sector organisations, those involved in the recruitment and development of young people will find this conference beneficial.

Book your tickets here.

Remember! Members of Youth Employment UK will receive a £100 ticket discount

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