8 Top Tips For A Successful Internship

Want to get the most out of an internship? Here are a few top tips to help you have a successful internship!

Internships are exciting opportunities to gain experience and knowledge in many industries and it’s best to make the most of the potentially short time you’ll be working there. Here are 8 tops tips to help you have a successful internship and shine like a star in your role!

1. Be prepared

Before you go, make sure you’re prepared! Do you know who the company is and what they do? Do you have clothes that fit the dress code? What do you need to do to be able to arrive on time?

It’s the smallest thing you can do to have a successful internship but making a good impression (and the right impression) is a good way to start.

2. Keep notes

Whether it’s taking notes about information and skills you learn, remembering names and places, or writing down your daily tasks, have a notebook and pen on hand to get all the important bits down. You’ll need to remember what you did and what experience and knowledge you gained during your internship. These achievements make your CV shine and give you something to talk about in future interviews.

Keep a record of what you’ve worked on, with who, what training and skills you built up and the feedback you received. And remember: be prepared. Don’t ask your mentor for a notebook and pen at the last minute. Take one with you to show you’re organised, and if you need one to be provided, make sure you ask before you start the role.

3. Ask about a reference

Your company might not think to offer a reference at the end of your internship, so make sure you ask for one – and show your appreciation too! Whether you get the option to stay, or you want to leave and pursue something elsewhere, a reference is always key for your future. It shows potential employers that you have someone who can vouch for your hard work, and everyone values the opinions of others. A good reference is a big deal!

4. Be strategic

Set yourself a goal (or many goals) for your internship and let your mentor know so that they can help you achieve them. Use your time wisely and use this opportunity to fill the gaps in your knowledge and experience. You can work on whatever you need to – it doesn’t just have to be practical skills like learning how to run a campaign, it can be your soft skills too! Do you need to practice your public speaking? Ask for the opportunity to present something to the team and get the experience you need.

5. Ask questions

Make sure to ask lots of questions while you learn to make the most of your time. And don’t be afraid to ask for advice and support – it’ll only hold you back if you put it off, and your mentors are there to help you. That’s why you’re there – you’re there to learn, so make sure you use every opportunity to ask the questions you need to.

6. Be proactive and get involved

Get involved with the work, show you can work in a team and put all your effort into the role. Aim to make an impact in some way (whether it’s big or small) and show your employer just how much you can bring to the table. Do you see something that can be improved? Let them know! Is there a way you could take on extra responsibilities as you learn? Take on every challenge that you face and make the most of the experience!

7. Build your network

While it’s important that you build connections with any other interns or colleagues, don’t forget your mentors and seniors! Get to know the people you work with and be prepared to make the first move – sit with them at lunch, go to social events or ask to stay in contact after you leave. Building your network will be handy in future – especially when you’re looking for references or a way to keep in contact with the company for future roles! It’s all part of starting a new job (or internship).

8. Relax and have fun!

While you should be using your time as an intern to learn and gain experience, don’t forget to relax and enjoy yourself. You might be out of your comfort zone, especially if it’s your first experience of work, but this is an exciting opportunity for you. You won’t be expected to know everything straight away and do everything perfectly the first time, so enjoy the experience of learning. Make some work friends, find the fun in your work and be excited to go into work each day to learn something new!

And what if it isn’t as successful as you had hoped?

If you’ve made the most of your internship and had a good time but you’ve decided that maybe this isn’t what you want to do with your future, then don’t worry. It doesn’t mean your internship wasn’t successful, but maybe you expected to love the industry and it just wasn’t for YOU. Never fear – you can still use this opportunity as a learning experience! Think very carefully about your time as an intern and pinpoint exactly what it was that turned you away from the role or industry.

Do the working hours not suit your needs? Did you find the industry less interesting than you thought it would be? Does working in an office environment not work for you? Be specific and explore why you have decided it isn’t for you. It’ll help you move forward with your career to find something that works for YOU.

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To find internships that will provide you with great experiences, development opportunities and support, explore our Youth Friendly Employers who are committed to providing good quality opportunities for young people.

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