work experience sam

2019 Youth Ambassador Board Elected

I am delighted to announce that at our AGM last night we recruited the 2019 Ambassador Board. Our Ambassadors are […]

banner social media

January Ambassador Webinar

Thank you to those of you that attended the January webinar or sent apologies, we got through quite a lot […]

Ambassador Board

Following your feedback and insight we have decided to create an Ambassador Board. The aim is that an Ambassador Board […]

environment jobs advice

How to get an environmental job – 5 things you’ll be glad you already knew

Okay, so you like the sound of saving the planet. Good. The world needs more people like you. But what […]

Work Experience Company Policy Template

Please feel free to adapt this template for your work experience needs, the information contained is a guide for your […]

The role of Youth Ambassadors

Youth Employment UK are the leading voice and expert on youth employment issues in the UK. Our purpose is to […]

Pay as you go? Unpaid internship report

The Sutton Trust have launched their review into unpaid internships. Access the report below. This report, based on data from […]

problem solving community issues

Problem Solving Exercise: Community Spirit

At some point in life you might be involved with a community project like volunteering or a work charity day. […]

Being organised helps you become more independent – here’s how

We can often confuse being independent with being able to do exactly what we want without answering to anyone. Whilst […]

October 2018 APPG – The Role Of The Family In Supporting Young People Into Employment

An Ambassador’s View – Harvey Morton  On Monday 22nd October, I had the pleasure of attending the APPG on Youth […]

creative job hunting tips

10 Top tips for getting creative jobs

It’s a great time to get stuck into a creative career but you’ll have to apply your creative talents to […]

How to learn from experience – turn mistakes into personal growth

For this young professional we are going to be focussing on your Self management skills. You might already know that […]