Mock Exams and Final Exams: Can You Improve Your Grades in a Month?

See how to use your mock exam results to help you improve your grades in your final exams. You can learn a lot from mock exam results!

Why are mock exams important to you?

Mock exams are an important part of the exam preparation process. They allow you to practice taking a test under full exam conditions. You also get to have a trial run at important exam skills such as formulating a strong essay argument in limited time, pacing yourself, and recalling information under pressure.

Mock exams also give you an indicator of the grades you can expect to receive when you sit the final exam.

What’s important to remember, though, is that mock exams give you an indication of how you are performing. They are not a crystal ball or a guarantee of how you will do in your final exams.

So if you didn’t do as well as you hoped in your mock exams, what can you do? Here are some tips to help you lift your grade in the few weeks between mocks and finals.

Look closely at your mock results

When you get your mock exam paper back, study it closely. Which questions did you get right and which did you get wrong? With hindsight, can you spot areas where you know you could have done better?

Paying close attention to your results highlights the areas where you might need to focus your remaining revision time. It also gives you valuable insights into the areas in which you underperform when you’re under pressure. You can take all this information into your final exam with you and use it to improve your grade.

Ask for feedback

If your mock exam results are not what you were hoping for, it’s time to sit down with your subject teachers and ask for their support. Ask them to go through your mock paper with you, give you detailed feedback, and help you identify areas for improvement.

Your teachers are there to support you. They want you to do as well as you possibly can. So let them know that you were disappointed with your mock exam results and would like some support to lift your grades before the final exam. They will be happy to help you.

Study past papers

One of the best ways to revise for your exams is to study past exam papers. Mock exams are often conducted using past papers, but you should also be able to get more papers from your school or the exam board to help you revise.

This shows you the kinds of questions that are likely to come up and helps you to feel more prepared when exam day comes. If possible, challenge yourself to complete a past paper under exam conditions and then ask your teacher to give you feedback on your answers.

Revise your weakest areas

Once you understand the areas of your mock exam where you performed well and the areas where you didn’t do so well, you can revise those weaker areas. If you only have a short amount of time before your final exam, you are likely to see the most improvement in your grades if you focus all your attention on your weakest areas.

Experiment with different revision techniques

As you revise, it’s important to use the strategies that work best for you. Try using mind maps, flash cards, written reflection exercises, or video and audio content. You can mix and match techniques to find out what helps you the most.

Not sure which revision techniques will work best for you? Start by identifying your VAK learning style. This will give you some ideas to try.

Team up with a friend

The good thing about exam season is that everyone in your year—in your school and across the country—is going through it at the same time. So you are far from alone. If you’re stressed, chances are others are, too.

This is a great time to team up with a friend to help each other study. You can test each other, share revision strategies, or even just motivate each other to meet your revision goals. You could even get a few friends together for an informal study group.

After a good revision session, you can reward yourselves with a treat such as watching a film or going out for ice cream.

Keep calm and look after yourself

A disappointing mock exam result can knock your confidence or even make you feel panicky. First of all, take a deep breath and try to resist the temptation to panic or give up. Keeping calm is the best way to ensure you make the most of the time you have, giving yourself the best chance of improving your grades.

Remember to take care of yourself, too. You can’t revise effectively or perform at your best if you’re stressed or under-rested. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. It’s also important to eat a healthy diet, move your body, and stay hydrated. If you’re finding it hard to relax, techniques like mindfulness and yoga can help.

Finally, don’t forget to have realistic expectations and speak kindly to yourself. What would you say to a friend who was worried about their grades? Hopefully you’d be kind, encouraging, and remind them of how smart and competent they are. Treat yourself in the same way and you will find your exam preparation goes much more smoothly and enjoyably.

Good luck with your studying!

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