How to Handle Apprenticeship Transfers, Restarts, and Breaks in Learning

Learn about apprenticeship transfers, restarts, and breaks in learning. Being in an apprenticeship gives you more flexibity than you might think.

Did you know that, under some circumstances, you might be able to pause your apprenticeship and then resume at a later date? This is known as a Break in Learning. Sometimes, students may also choose to leave their job and continue their apprenticeship with a different employer. This is called a transfer.

In today’s article, we look at these two types of changes to your apprenticeship and offer some tips to help you handle them.

What is a Break in Learning and Who Is It For?

A Break in Learning (BIL) is for a student who needs to pause their apprenticeship for a time, but intends to resume it with the same employer and learning provider at a later date.

Reasons why an apprentice might need a break in learning can include maternity or paternity leave, long term physical or mental health conditions, changes in family circumstances (such as a bereavement or a change in caring responsibilities), or financial reasons. However, this is not an exhaustive list and if your reason is something different, it’s still worth talking to your employer if you feel a break in learning is right for you.

How to Apply for a Break in Learning

If you think you might need to take a break in learning, the first step is to discuss it with your employer. You’ll need to discuss the reason for the break and how long you expect it to last. Any absence of less than 4 weeks is not considered a break in learning and will instead be recorded as annual leave, sick leave, or another type of absence according to your employer’s policies.

Once you and your employer have agreed to the break in learning, this will need to be recorded in your individualised learner record (ILR). You and your employer should also discuss your decision with your school, college, or other training provider. When you return, your expected apprenticeship end date will be adjusted accordingly.

How to Handle Resuming Your Apprenticeship After a Break

If you’re getting ready to resume your apprenticeship after a break in learning, you may be worried about making a smooth transition back into work. Perhaps you are concerned that you have fallen behind or won’t remember what you learned before your break.

First: don’t panic! Your employer will understand that you need some time to get back up to speed and won’t expect you to be at 100% on your first day back. The most important thing is to arrive with a positive attitude and plenty of enthusiasm, ready to dive back into learning.

Don’t be afraid to ask your line manager to catch you up on anything you’ve missed during your break, and to go over things with you again if you have forgotten some details. You can also ask other employees for help until you’ve fully caught up. Finally, don’t forget to be proactive in your learning. Read, watch videos, attend relevant training sessions, and do anything else you can to allow you to catch up as quickly as possible. You might be surprised how quickly you feel as though you never left.

What is a Transfer and Who Is It For?

In some circumstances, it might be possible for an apprentice to transfer their apprenticeship to a different employer. This might be for a variety of reasons including relocating, wanting to work different hours, or simply not getting on with the company culture at your current place of work. Changing employers as an apprentice is slightly more complicated, but it is entirely doable.

How to Apply for a Transfer

Transferring your apprenticeship can be disruptive to your studies, so think carefully about whether this is something you want to do before you go ahead. No workplace is perfect, so consider whether any problems are likely to follow you into a new job.

If you want to change to a completely different type of apprenticeship (for example, say you’ve been studying plumbing but have now decided you would prefer to study construction), you will need to end your apprenticeship and reapply.

If you want to change employers but continue on the same apprenticeship, you can usually do so without interrupting your apprenticeship. Your training provider (the school, college, or university where your apprenticeship is based) will have to agree that a new employer is suitable, so talk to your tutor first if you are considering a change of job.

How to Handle an Apprenticeship Transfer Smoothly

Any change of job can be stressful, and this applies just as much to apprenticeships. Here are a few of our top tips to help you manage the transition as smoothly as possible:

  • Give notice to your current job in line with your contract. While you work your notice period, continue to work hard and behave in the way you would like to be remembered. You may need a reference from this employer someday.
  • If you are invited to interview for a new prospective job, ask as many questions as you can to get to know the company and its culture. This will help you make an informed decision.
  • If possible, ask to speak to the person who will be your line manager. Ensure that you get along well with them and can see yourself working with them every day.
  • Once you have accepted the new job, ask if there is anything you can do to get up to speed on how they do things. This might include attending a training or orientation event, watching or reading training materials, or just spending time getting to know your new coworkers.
  • Ensure you understand your new employer’s rules, code of conduct, and expectations of you as an employee.
  • Arrive on your first day in plenty of time and ready to learn.
  • Display a positive, can-do attitude and be enthusiastic.

Change can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be. If you plan ahead and follow a few easy best-practice tips, you can make your break in learning or apprenticeship transfer work for you!


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