Download This SWOT Analysis Worksheet To Understand Your Skills, Strengths And Weaknesses

Use SWOT analysis to help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. It can help you with everything from studying to job hunting. Try it and see for yourself!

Are you ready to find out more about your weaknesses and strengths?

Understanding yourself is about having the confidence to recognise both your achievements AND your flaws. See who you are, not just who you’d like to be. That means getting a balance between putting yourself down and bragging yourself up.

The closer you get to finding that balance of confidence and honesty, the closer you get to having REAL self confidence. The kind that lets you be yourself. And when you understand yourself, that’s when you can make the best decisions for you.

It’s okay to admit you have weaknesses you can improve on.

Too much armour makes you lose flexibility in life.

It’s okay to admit you have skills and strengths that make you special.

Getting lost in the crowd can make you feel safe but you deserve to shine.


What is SWOT?

SWOT stands for Strenths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.


Things you do well

Things other people ask you for help on

Things that make you unique



Lack of resources, like information or support

Attitudes / behaviours that might hold you back

Areas you want to improve on



Trends you can take advantage of

Opportunities that are open to you right now

Chances to use and showcase your strengths



Issues you need to address right now

Difficult/challenging environments

Negative perceptions of your behaviour / ability


When you want to make a big decision, or figure out next steps in anything you do in life, understanding these four elements will help you make decisions that are right for YOU. Remember, we are all unique!


Activity: Fill in your SWOT worksheet

Download the PDF worksheet to create your own personal SWOT analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

  • Your strengths can be anything from work experience achievements to being a good listener.
  • Your weaknesses could include negative attitudes you know you need to work on, or your lack of access to equipment you need for carrying out a project or job hunting.
  • Your opportunities could be job vacancies or advice, tips and offers of help from people you know.
  • Your threats could be issues you need to deal with right now, like sourcing training or job hunting opportunities in rural areas.


Thinking you know something is not the same as writing it down.

When you write thoughts down they can become more clear. Filling in the worksheet can help you more than thinking about your SWOT answers in your head.

Your SWOT analysis can change over time. It’s good to update it every month or so and see how you are progressing!

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