Annual Report 2015 & Website Launch

Yesterday Youth Employment UK held a celebration event to launch both our new website and our 1st Annual Report.2015-06-10 12.34.31

Although YEUK was first established in 2012 this is the first report we have created which documents our successes and future plans.

As we know youth unemployment has been a major issue in the UK for a long time and although the figures are coming down they are still too high.  YEUK has been working tirelessly since 2012 to tackle youth unemployment and to give voice to young people who are on the frontline.  There is much to be done and YEUK is very much ready to continue our work and to support more young people and organisations across the UK to stamp out youth unemployment.

Our report which you can download here reflects on the journey YEUK has had and on our future goals.  Our success to date could not have been achieved without the passion and commitment from our Youth Ambassadors, Advisory Board, Members, Supporters and Team.

Ambassadors at the event

The celebration yesterday was a big THANK YOU to all of those involved in our work.  Hosted at the Recruitment and Employment Confederation office we invited a number of supporters, government department representatives and of course our ambassadors to hear from our Advisory Board Chair Andrew Taggart, Founder and CEO Laura-Jane Rawlings and Youth Ambassador Jenny Mullinder as they shared some of their stories and passion for YEUK.

“It was really great to see lots of people interested in the youth employment space coming together to hear about the YEUK journey so far. The new website looks great and I am excited about the next steps for us, as I know everyone else is!”

Jenny, Youth Ambassador

Ambassador Jenny

“The event yesterday gave recognition to the enormous leaps YEUK has taken in the last two years and picking up support from all sections of society. It is a great privilege to be a Young Ambassador for a forward thinking and driven organisation. The future looks much brighter for me and the future generation.”

Jack, Youth Ambassador

“I can’t imagine why any employer wouldn’t want to support this amazing campaign after listening to the difference it is making to young lives from passionate and determined CEO, Laura-Jane Rawlings. Youth Ambassador, Jenny, spoke from the heart and is living testimony of what an empowered youth voice can achieve.”

David Shindler YEUK Advisory Board Member.

Along with the report we also launched our brand new website which has been largely created by our team of Youth Ambassadors.  The site is much more professional, easier to navigate and packed with even more support for our membership community.  We hope you will take some time to explore the site and consider how you might engage and work with us.

Some of the YEUK Team

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