We support the Skills Builder Universal Framework in building a common language around skills

The Skills Builder Universal Framework has been launched to set out the skills we need to succeed in education, work and life. It includes the skills we incorporate in our free Young Professional Training like problem solving and teamwork. Find out more!

Employability skills can be difficult to understand because lots of employers use different language, which can be confusing. We support the Skills Builder Framework because the skills it promotes fall into the five core skills we know are key and it provides a great framework for people to develop these skills.

Creating a common language for all when it comes to talking about skills is important. When young people are helped to understand what the core life and work skills are, they are better-placed to get the support they need from educators, employers and carers in building up life and work skills they can use in any situation.

With the impact of COVID-19 changing the nature of education and work overnight, we all need to act now to ensure we do not widen the disadvantage gap.


Essential skills are highly transferable skills like problem solving and teamwork. They can, and should, be developed throughout our lives and can’t be automated out. They are the foundation for developing new technical and job-specific skills, including digital skills.

The Skills Builder Universal Framework, developed by the Essential Skills Taskforce, is a framework for essential skills that sets out how they can be identified in practice.

The universal framework defines the essential skills as: listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork.

Access the framework at www.skillsbuilder.org, and get business support and resources at www.bitc.org.uk/essential-skills.

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