Supporting Coca Cola to achieve the Good Youth Employment Award

coca cola youth friendly employer

We are thrilled to be working with Coca-Cola European Partners, supporting them on their journey to becoming a Youth Friendly Employer offering rewarding career opportunities for young people.

Coca-Cola is committed to developing the best programmes and opportunities for young people and has been using our Youth Friendly Employer Kitemark materials to align their work.

coca cola quote

And there’s more…

“Coca-Cola European Partners are delighted to be working with Youth Employment UK, being recognised as a leading youth friendly employer is key to our business. We are committed to helping young people gain the employability skills and confidence they need to succeed.”

Sharon Blyfield, HR Business Partner at Coca-Cola European Partners

Visit the Coca-Cola EP Careers Hub


What are the Good Youth Employment Awards?

The Good Youth Employment Awards is a quality kitemark that assesses organisations against a best practice framework. The Award supports organisations to embed a youth-friendly employment culture to help create a motivated and diverse future workforce.

Organisations with the Youth Friendly Employer Award demonstrate that they provide young people with quality opportunities to explore and experience the world of work, as well as having a range of youth employment pathways. Youth Friendly Employers are supported by a comprehensive resource bank which provides advice and guidance on all aspects of youth employment and is profiled and connected to the Young Professional Network.

Youth Friendly Employer Award

For more information, please email or call 01536 513388.

Early careers strategy support

Youth Employment UK Membership is a strategic step for organisations of all sizes who want support and recognition for their commitment to creating quality early career opportunities in line with Good Youth Employment Standards.

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As experts on youth employment and co-founders of the Youth Employment Group, we are ideally placed to understand the complex landscape facing young people, employers and policy makers.