Training support available in Youth Friendly Walsall

There are plenty of training opportunities available in Youth Friendly Walsall. Find out how these can help you get ahead.

Training in construction

Health & Social Care

#SocialCare can mean several different things from cooking, cleaning, personal care, medication, companionship and DIY support. Find out about roles and training:

Fairway Training deliver a pre-employment training programme that equips people with a Care certificate and entry into local employment in the sector.

The WMCA has developed a new skills and training plan for health and care, which sets out the training available across the West Midlands from entry through to degree level and the different routes that can be taken.


  • A number of Digital Retraining providers, including Lead Training in Walsall, are recruiting for learners who want to develop skills in a number of digital areas ie coding, cyber security, data analysis, drone technology, cloud technology and more.
  • If you are interested in a career in digital you can access information about roles and training:
  • There are also coding bootcamps that are available. Please visit :

Unlock a better way ahead – Skills for Life

The Skills for Life campaign can be used to find training, support and advice to gain the skills you need for the job you want.

You’ll find free Level 3 courses, skills bootcamps, apprenticeships and so many more great opportunities for training. You can even complete your essential skills in Maths and English.

Check out the Skills for Life campaign now!

Further Training Opportunities

Juniper Training Walsall – Support school leavers and young people who want a kick start to their careers. Courses such as vocational pathways, traineeships, study programmes and apprenticeships can improve the chances of gaining a real job, whilst earning qualifications.

Skills Training UK are a National training provider who deliver life-changing training to 16-24-year-olds in Walsall.

Dudley Community Information Directory has a range of great training opportunities for support when getting a job.

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