Explore the Virtual Army Careers Centre and #CreateYourFuture

The army has a wide range of roles – from engineering to music, IT and communications. Attend careers events and hear from experts at the Virtual Army Careers Centre!

Ever thought about joining the Army in a way that suits your own interests and background? The Army now has a virtual careers centre with free events for you to attend all year round. You can learn about the eye-opening range of different roles available, and also chat with people doing the jobs you’re interested in doing yourself one day.

Hear from serving soldiers about what it’s like to learn skills, take on initiative tests, watch demonstrations and take part in military lessons. Explore the latest Army kit and equipment.

Ask questions about travelling the world, having everyday adventures, and keep pushing yourself to do things you never thought possible.

Find out more…

Visit the Virtual Army Careers Centre

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Email us at info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.