These 5 free online personality tests can help your child choose a career

career personality test

Share these free career personality tests with your child to help them see how well their skills and interests match to hundreds of dream careers!

Colour Career Quiz

Here’s a fun one to start with. The Colour Quiz is an easy test that looks at your personality based on the colour you select. When you’re presented with a block of colours, select them in order of preference, choosing your favourites first. This isn’t a super-scientific test but it only takes a minute or two to complete! It could help shine a light on what makes your stressed in work/study and how to keep their cool. Colour psychology is a genuine thing – there’s even a Wikpedia article about it.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Okay, now we’re getting more serious. Answer all the questions and you will get to understand your personality type and what kind of temperament (or basic nature) you have. There are four temperaments in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter:

  • Guardian (finding membership and belonging)
  • Artisan (finding freedom and action)
  • Idealist (finding meaning and unique identity)
  • Rational (finding knowledge and competence, or skilled ability)

Each of these four temperaments has four separate flavours. As an example, you could be a Promoter Artisan or Performer Artisan – they share some personality traits in common but they’re both very different. In case you were wondering, Princess Diana was an Idealist Healer and George Washington was a Guardian Supervisor.

This fantastic career personality test really helps your child understand what makes them tick, and what kind of work they’d enjoy doing. They’ll get a free profile description when they finish the test and you can optionally buy the full report.

TOP TIP: Once you know what your child’s Kiersey Temperament is, visit this Kiersey careers link to find out more about how their temperament relates to a good career choice for them.

O*NET Interests Profiler

This questionnaire of 60 questions is American (it’s handled by the US government’s Department of Labour). Even if you live in the UK, it’s still a useful way to see where your career and work interests mostly lie out of these six areas:

  • Realistic
  • Investigative
  • Social
  • Enterprising
  • Conventional
  • Artistic

For each question, you’ll be asked how much you’d like to do an example activity, from “strongly like” to “strongly dislike”. From this, the interests profiler builds up a picture of what kind of work activities you’d most enjoy and be good at.

Once your child completes the test they’ll see careers listed for each of the six interests, and how much preparation they’d need to do to get into those careers.

Sokanu Career Test

This test takes about 30 minutes. It asks you to answer a series of questions about what you like and dislike, much like the test above. Then it gives you a free career personality profile. Why does it take so long, and ask so many questions? Because it’s trying to see how your interests match up to over 800 different careers! That means it’s worth doing, because it could really open your child up to some career choices they’ve not considered before.

What Career is Right for Me? Career Test

This career test from the folks at Team Technology is interesting because it takes into account research conducted with 17,000 people in terms of how much they enjoyed their job in order to help come up with career results that would match your personality. The bad news is that it only matches you against around 70 of a possible 300 listed careers in the free version, but it’s still worth giving the test a go.

Once your child has done the test, then can keep flicking ‘next’ through the detailed psychology bit until they get to the list of careers that could match their personality well. For each career, the test will say how well they’re matched to it for personality, the job, pay, and the topic.

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