Online Courses Explore #localgov

Careers in Local Government

Download & use your editable workbook

Completing your workbook activities will take about an hour. Learn about the world of work in local government, including the range of amazing careers that exist and the opportunities that are open to you.
Choose and download a workbook. Click on the digital workbook that matches your age. Save it to your device (a PC or laptop works best). Then open it on your device and you’re ready to begin!

Teacher Resources

Guidance for Educators

Thank you for taking an interest in this programme.

You can download full guidance for using this local government careers work experience guide in PDF format.

This guide aims to help you understand how to use and get the most from the programme and the supporting resources freely available from Youth Employment UK for all 14-24 year olds across the UK.

KS3 Teaching Guide KS4 Teaching Guide