Get To Know Your Life And Work Skills

When you can name the top life and work skills, it's easier to see how they apply to you. You already have these skills.


You can communicate through talking or signing, through writing, and through body language. Most of us know how to communicate, but not everyone is good at communication. If you struggle with mental health, it can affect your motivation and trust in communication – but you still have this skill, and your wellbeing as well as work goals can benefit.

Communication helps you to…

  • Understand and take in what’s been said and taught
  • Ask questions that help you boost your understanding
  • Share your ideas or thoughts in a way that makes people listen.


How easy do you find it to work with others? If it’s not a strength you want to grow, there are many roles where you can work completely on your own. However, many roles ask you to work with others, which can be enjoyable and create a supportive atmosphere.

Teamwork helps you to…

  • Working in a group to achieve something positive
  • Listen to other team members
  • Have a say and share responsibility.

Problem Solving

Can you keep a clear head to find answers to life’s little (and big) problems? In work and in life, problems can crop up. Even if you don’t know how to fix the problem at first, you can think about how the problem happened in the first place. Then you can keep calm and use logic to find some good solutions. This is called problem solving, and you can use it to explore ways to maintain your mental health as well as achieve work goals.

Problem solving helps you to…

  • Weigh up situations and see problems in a new light
  • Break bigger problems down into smaller, easier steps
  • See change as possible, not impossible
  • Make decisions that are practical, not influenced by worries.


You are at your most creative when you are feeling curious and open-minded to new ideas. It can help you imagine new possibilities, solve problems and try new things. Creativity can help you stay positive. It can help you see learning as enjoyable, and making mistakes as an important and safe part of the learning process, not something to fear.

Creativity helps you to…

  • Approach problems and new projects in a fresh way
  • Keep up your motivation, positivity and attitude to life
  • Explore the unique things only YOU can offer to the world.

Aiming High

What is the difference between aiming high and daydreaming? When you aim high, you set clear goals for yourself and have a clear plan of how to achieve them. It is good to aim for goals that fit your needs, match your energy levels and help you become your best self.

Aiming high helps you to…

  • Make solid plans for both everyday activities and personal growth
  • Understand what achievement looks like for YOU
  • Understand how to approach tasks in a way that can get success.

Staying Positive

Can you stay calm and keep trying when things go wrong? Can you look for ways to move forward in difficult situations? Can you see the good side in other people and yourself? Once you pick up ways to stay positive when the going gets tough, it can become easier to look after your wellbeing and have a positive outlook whenever you face life’s challenges.

Staying positive helps you to…

  • Approach challenges in a way that helps you move forwards
  • Make the most of any situation – even tough ones
  • Balance your wellbeing and activities


You don’t need to be a manager to explore this side of you. Leadership skills are life skills that help you support, encourage and help others grow so that you can all achieve a shared goal. That’s what real leadership is all about. Sometimes, we can help boost our own self-esteem by helping others.

Leadership helps you to…

  • Explain your feelings and ideas to others
  • Recognise other people’s feelings and ideas
  • Take the lead in a group in a fair way that achieves an end goal
  • Support other people by recognising their strengths and weaknesses
  • Motivate and mentor others to help them grow their confidence, skills and experience

Mental health and growing your skills

When it comes to building your skills and strengths over time, trying your personal best is more important than being perfect. You don’t need to be perfect and put added pressure on yourself.

  • It’s okay to be stronger in some skills than others.
  • It’s okay to have off days and make mistakes you can learn from.
  • It’s okay to grow at your own pace.
  • It’s okay to ask for help when you need it.


Watch these videos to understand some of the top life and work skills.

The videos are very quick and you might prefer watching to reading!

You will also get extra tips on applying top skills to your everyday life.

Watch these skills videos

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