CV Quiz

Do you know what to put in your CV? Take this CV quiz!


What does CV stand for?

Correct! Wrong!

CV stands for Curriculum Vitae, coming from the Latin phrase "course of life". Are you ready to plot your course through life? Check out these CV tips to get your started on your journey!

How long do employers spend looking at CVs on average?

Correct! Wrong!

According to research, employers only spend around 7.4 seconds looking at CVs. See what you can do to make your CV stand out by looking at this CV advice!

Which of these things do NOT belong on your CV?

Correct! Wrong!

You relationship status is just one of the many details that you shouldn't share on your CV including your age, gender, religion, date of birth and nationality. None of these should influence an employer's decision on whether you would be a good fit for a job.

What is a personal statement?

Correct! Wrong!

A CV personal statement is a bite-sized sentence or two summing up who you are as a professional, and what you want to offer employers in terms of your ambition and experience. You don't need qualifications or experience to write a great personal statement!

Which one of the following is a skill/strength you shouldn't include on your CV?

Correct! Wrong!

Even without work experience you can still talk about any skills/strengths you might have, although some are more important than others. See more about knowing your strengths and showing them to employers!