Keep a Confidence List

Activity: Ask yourself and others what your greatest strengths are, then turn it into a confidence list with this guide.

Why have a confidence list?

When you are looking for jobs and new experiences, it helps to know your strengths and good qualities. You can use this information to shape your CV and shine at interviews. It can also help you feel and be your best at work and in life.

What are you good at?

If you’re tempted to answer that question with “I don’t know” or “nothing”, you are not doing yourself justice! Everyone is good at lots of things, including you.

This activity will help you find out what you’re good at.

Write down a list of 3-5 things you’re really good at.

These can include both work-specific skills (“I’m a great builder” or “I’m really good with computers,”) and softer but no less important skills (“I am honest” or “I’m kind to people in need.”)

Ask a friend

Now ask people you know what your greatest skills and strengths are. As an example, you could ask your friends, partner, teacher, or family. Other people can offer you ideas you might never have thought of.

Not sure what to say?

Remember that any people you ask about your strengths care about you. They want you to do well in life. So be brave and ask!

What you can say:

“I’m trying to understand what my skills and strengths are. What do you think are my three greatest strengths?”

You might be surprised what you hear.

It’s time to make your list!

Make a list of all the good things people said about you – and the good things you said about yourself.

Keep your confidence list where you can see it

Keep that list somewhere you’ll see it every day (like in your planner, or in your purse or wallet).

Seeing it all the time will help you to remember and deep-down believe the things you’re great at.


Have you already got a CV?

Take another look at it, and see if you can add work or study achievements where you let your strengths shine.

This will help you in job applications and interviews.

Do You Want To Talk To Someone?

Sometimes we all need a listening ear to help us get on the right track.

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