Paragon Skills

our training, your way

Paragon Skills Vacancies

Rate my apprenticeships win - We are so proud to have been named the #1 training provider for the second year running at the Rate My Apprenticeship Awards. This is our 4th year in the top 3, and it means so much to us as it's all thanks to reviews from our fantastic learners. We received over 400 reviews from learners at over 200 different employers!


Award winning apprenticeships

Why should you apply for our apprenticeships?

We’ve got a great reputation

We’re rated ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot with 4.7 out of 5

We’ll help you finish what you start

Our learner retention is 90%

We’ll help you ACHIEVE

Our End Point Assessment pass rates are 99%, with 63% achieving high grades (Merit or Distinction).

Learners would recommend us

9.1 out of 10 of our apprenticeship learners would recommend Paragon Skills to friends or family

Mentoring & support

We engage with over 92% of our learners every 4 weeks, and with over 80% every 2 weeks

We’ll help you SUCCEED

Success rates over 65% (70%+ in care & education)

We care and protect

We are the only business to ever be rated ‘Gold Standard’ Leaders in Safeguarding for the work we do to protect our learners and colleagues

Explore Apprenticeships

Explore Paragon Skills Apprenticeships

Find information to help you get started on your apprenticeship journey with Paragon skills

What do our learners say?

Hear from learners who found success with Paragon Skills apprenticeships

Hasan Gocen

adult care

See my story

Melissa Harris

business administration

See my story

Emma Brannick

childcare & education

See my story

Latest News And Events

What is an Apprenticeship?

Understanding all the facts when it comes to making a choice is key to making the most of your qualifications and more importantly, your future.

As a Paragon Skills Apprentice, you will be earning a salary whilst gaining a nationally recognised qualification. The training you receive will be practical and directly related to the career pathway you are interested in. Designed by employers working closely with training providers, you will benefit from working with our Personal Tutors and experienced staff. With an average of 23,000 Apprenticeship opportunities listed on Find an Apprenticeship* each month, there’s an Apprenticeship waiting for you.

We are passionate about providing opportunities for you to achieve and succeed in the career of your choice.

Do you prefer practical experiences to classroom and textbook learning? Would you appreciate being able to practice, use and develop your skills in a workplace setting and whilst working as part of a team? Then an apprenticeship could be the right choice for you.